Alternate Site Worship November 3rd

On Sunday, November 3rd, we will be worshiping at Strawbridge Elementary School because our usual location of the Princess Anne Rec Center will not be available. Strawbridge is actually right next to the Princess Anne Rec center, but you have to enter from a different direction. Check out the map for driving directions. Worship will be at the normal time (doors open at 11, worship begins at 11:15) and there will still be nursery for ages 0-3, but no separate kids lesson during the sermon.

Prayer Meeting & Neighborhood Cookout THIS Saturday!

This Saturday, October 5th, at the Brock house, there is a prayer meeting at 4 PM followed by a neighborhood cookout in the cul-de-sac at 5:30 PM. You’re invited to either or both, just RSVP to let us know you’re coming and get directions. Both are great opportunities to connect with others and get to know the Resurrection community. For the cookout, we provide hamburgers, hot dogs, s’mores, and drinks (though you’re welcome to bring your own too), and you can bring a side to share if you want.

Outdoor Worship Sunday October 13th

On Sunday, October 13th, we will NOT be gathering at the Rec Center. Instead, we will be worshiping outdoors in a pavilion at North Bay Shore Campground, just 10 minutes from Red Mill, on the way to Sandbridge. It’s a beautiful location right on the canals off the north end of Back Bay. We’ll have a regular, full, worship service, including the Lord’s Supper. It will start at our normal time of 11:15 and we’ll have a picnic lunch right there after the service. And if you want to join us for the whole weekend, it’s not too late to register for the Community Camping Trip!

Christianity Explored starts Sept. 30th!

If you don’t really know much about the Bible or Christianity, this is for you! You may or may not believe in God or consider yourself a Christian, but you want to learn more in an easy and accessible way. We’ll be meeting at the Brock house (contact for address) from 7-8:30 PM for seven Monday nights, starting Monday, Sept 30th. RSVP here!

Here’s the description from the Christianity Explored website:

Christianity Explored is an informal and relaxed seven-week course. It's for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life. It's run by ordinary people local to you and is completely free. You don't need to know anything about the Bible and you won't be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like or you can just sit and listen.

Community Camping Trip Oct 11-13th

October 11th-13th, we’re going camping at North Bay Shore campground, just 10 minutes south of Red Mill, on the very north end of Back Bay. We have a great location right on the canal that leads out to the bay with plenty of space for tents, a pavilion for meals and Sunday worship, and lots of other activities! There are also a few cabins available or you can just come down to hang out for the day on Saturday or for the outdoor worship service on Sunday. And all the food is provided! Cost for food and tent camping is just $30/adult, $20/child, max $100/family, with more options for just coming for the day or staying in a cabin or pop-up. Click here for more details and registration!

Launch Celebration Picnic This Sunday!

After the launch service at the Princess Anne Rec Center, everyone is invited to a celebration picnic at the Brock house in Red Mill Farms, just 1 mile from the rec center. We’ll have plenty of food and drink and will enjoy the afternoon celebrating God’s goodness and connecting with one another. Even if this is your first time checking out Resurrection, we’d love for you to join! Give us a quick RSVP for planning and to get the address.

Christianity Explored starts Sept. 30th!

If you don’t really know much about the Bible or Christianity, this is for you! You may or may not believe in God or consider yourself a Christian, but you want to learn more in an easy and accessible way. We’ll be meeting at the Brock house (contact for address) from 7-8:30 PM for seven Monday nights, starting Monday, Sept 30th. RSVP here!

Here’s the description from the Christianity Explored website:

Christianity Explored is an informal and relaxed seven-week course. It's for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life. It's run by ordinary people local to you and is completely free. You don't need to know anything about the Bible and you won't be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like or you can just sit and listen.

Launch Sundays Sept 15th to Oct 6th!

Our new church community is kicking off weekly Sunday worship on Sept. 15th! Come join us for one of our four special launch Sundays. Each Sunday, we’ll open the doors to the Princess Anne Rec Center at 11 AM to connect over coffee and snacks, and begin worship at 11:15. As we sing, pray, hear from God, and receive the Lord’s Supper, we’ll be focusing on Jesus’ resurrection and what he did after rising from the dead! Click for more details on worship and children at Resurrection.