Special Sunday Connections at the Brock house to watch the NFC championship!
Sunday Connections Update
Christmas Day Brunch & Worship
Pizza & Cookie Decorating!
Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols - 5 PM
Thanksgiving Service and Chili Cook - Off!
On Sunday, November 24, we'll hold a special Thanksgiving service at our normal worship time of 11:15 AM at the Princess Anne Rec Center and then follow it up with a chili cook-off! We’ll join together to give thanks to God for his blessings and remember all that he has done in our lives and in the world. If you’ve thought about visiting Resurrection, this is a great Sunday to check it out and get to know some people. Sign up here to bring a chili or other food (sides, dessert, here) or just RSVP here to let us know you’re coming! All are welcome for worship and to stay for the meal, whether or not you bring anything!
Pre-Trick or Treat Party!
On Thursday, October 31st, Resurrection is sponsoring a neighborhood pre-Trick or Treat party for Red Mill Farms! The party will take place in Kenwood Ct from 4:00 to 6:00 PM and is for all ages! Anyone is welcome, whether you live in Red Mill Farms or are part of the Resurrection Community or just want to come and have some fun! Pizza and drinks provided and you’re welcome to bring an appetizer if you would like to share. There will be prizes for best-decorated (and tasting!) food (savory or sweet welcome) and for best costume. RSVP for pizza appreciated
Christmas with Resurrection Community
At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus’ birth as a very real human baby. But by his life and death, he also created a very real and tangible community of people joined together in His name. This Christmas season, we invite you to join us for one or more of these special events and explore the new community that Jesus created:
Thanksgiving Service and Chili Cook - Off !
On Sunday, November 19, we'll hold a special Thanksgiving service at our normal worship time of 11:15 AM at the Princess Anne Rec Center and then follow it up with a chili cook-off! We’ll join together to give thanks to God for his blessings and remember all that he has done in our lives and in the world. If you’ve thought about visiting Resurrection, this is a great Sunday to check it out and get to know some people. Sign up here to bring a chili or other food (sides, dessert, here) or just RSVP here to let us know you’re coming! All are welcome for worship and to stay for the meal, whether or not you bring anything!