On Sunday, October 31st, the Three Strands youth group is hosting a neighborhood pre-Trick or Treat party for Red Mill Farms! The party will take place in Kenwood Ct from 4:00 to 6:00 PM and is for all ages! Anyone is welcome, whether you live in Red Mill Farms or are part of the Resurrection Community or just want to come and have some fun! Pizza and drinks provided and you’re welcome to bring an appetizer if you would like to share. There will be prizes for best-decorated (and tasting!) food (savory or sweet welcome) and for best costume. RSVP for pizza appreciated
Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic Oct 17, 2021
UPDATE: If you’re able, please bring chairs or blanket for you/your family to sit on. When you get to the rec center, just park in the regular parking lot and then walk down the driveway on the right side of the building (there will be signs out). Depending on the weather conditions, we may just be set up on the grass under shade from the trees or we may have the tent up at the back of the building.
With the fall temperatures approaching we have the wonderful opportunity to worship outside Sunday, October 17. Due to regular maintenance, the Rec Center will be closed that Sunday, but they have allowed us to use the parking lot. We will set our tent up outside and enjoy outdoor worship together! This will be at our regular worship time of 11:15 AM.
Being outside for worship not only gives us the chance to offer our worship out in God’s creation but it’s also a great opportunity to gather together in fellowship after the service for a picnic at Hunt Club Forest Park adjacent to the rec center. The church will provide BBQ, buns and beverages. If you are able, please bring a side to share, but please don’t let that be a burden. We will have plenty so come regardless of what you can or cannot bring! For those who are wondering, there will be bathrooms available over at the VLC building.
After a year of worship restrictions and rushed services due to Covid, it’s a blessing to be able to slow down and gather for fellowship once again. If you’ve been thinking about visiting Resurrection, this would be a great Sunday to come check it out!
Please RSVP here and if you're bringing something to share, put it in the comments. We hope to see you there!
Good News Club
For the past two years, Resurrection has sponsored a Good News Club at Corporate Landing Elementary School. Good News Club is a national ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship, and is an opportunity for elementary students to come and learn the good news of Jesus after school in a fun and interactive environment.
For our particular club at Corporate Landing, we have a wonderful committed team leader, but we need a few more volunteers to fill out the team. CEF and our team leader provide all the necessary training, direction, and materials, so you just need a willing heart and some time availability.
The club normally meets after-school (at the school building) one day a week in the 3-5 PM time range, but with Covid, it’s a little uncertain when those will be able to get started. In the meantime, we are hoping to do a few Saturday meetings outside to connect with the kids. If you would be interested and potentially available to help with either weekday after-school meetings OR Saturday meetings, please contact us for more details!
New KidsTime Format !
New Discipleship Hour
Go deeper with God and connect more deeply with others? Isn’t that something most of us want for ourselves and for our families?
One of the best ways to do that at any age is in small, consistent groups that come to know and love one another as they dig into the Bible together and learn to apply it to their lives.
Starting October 3rd (along with our new worship time & place), we have a new opportunity for all ages to connect more deeply with God and with one another by meeting in these kinds of groups.
That Sunday, we will begin a new Sunday morning discipleship hour for all ages from 9:30-10:30 AM at the VLC building:
Little ones: safe and loving nursery care
pre-K-5th graders (in small groups): actively and deeply learning the big story of God’s love for his people and what it means for each of us
6th-12 graders: learning through teaching as they help with the younger kids classes (this age meets Wednesday afternoons)
Adults: explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus and part of Resurrection Community and then connect with a 4-6 person cohort of men or women to go deeper in your faith and relationship with Jesus
We’d love for anyone to participate in this time of growth and discipleship! Please RSVP here or contact us if you’re interested so we can know to expect you.