Joint Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols

Our Christmas Eve service of Lessons & Carols is a beautiful service for all ages that alternates Bible readings that tell the whole Christmas story of God coming to rescue the world with traditional Christmas carols that sing the story. This service is for the whole community and hosted jointly by Resurrection Community Church and Cornerstone Bible Church and will be at Cornerstone from 5-6 PM on Saturday, December 24. After the service, you’re invited to join us at the Brock house in Red Mill Farms for cookies & appetizers. RSVP for the service is appreciated, and is required if you would like nursery care for little ones

Christmas, Cookies, Crafts, and Pizza!

Join us for a fun family event! Saturday, December 17, from 11 AM to 1 PM at the Princess Anne Rec Center, we’ll be decorating cookies, making crafts and Christmas cards, and enjoying pizza together. This is a great opportunity for Christmas fun and to make connections with other families! This is a community event, not just for Resurrection families, so anyone is encouraged to come. RSVP here to let us know you’re planning to come so we’ll be sure to have enough pizza, cookies, and craft supplies!

Thanksgiving service and chili cook - off!

On Sunday, November 20, we'll hold a special Thanksgiving service at our normal worship time of 11:15 AM at the Princess Anne Rec Center and then follow it up with a chili cook-off! We’ll join together to give thanks to God for his blessings and remember all that he has done in our lives and in the world. If you’ve thought about visiting Resurrection, this is a great Sunday to check it out and get to know some people. All are welcome for worship and to stay for the meal, whether or not you enter some chili in the contest! RSVP here and put in the notes if you are bringing a chili!

Red Mill Farms Halloween Party!

On Sunday, October 30th, the Three Strands youth group is hosting a neighborhood Halloween party for Red Mill Farms! The party will take place in Kenwood Ct from 4:00 to 7:00 PM and is for all ages! Anyone is welcome, whether you live in Red Mill Farms or just want to come and have some fun!

Pizza and drinks are provided and you’re welcome to bring an appetizer if you would like to share. There will be prizes for best-decorated (and tasting!) food (savory or sweet welcome) and for best costume. RSVP for pizza appreciated

This is actually our 5th annual Halloween party hosted by 3 Strands, and we’ve usually done it as a “pre-trick or treat party” on Halloween night itself, but various scheduling issues are making it a “pre-pre-trick or treat party” this year! Might be even more fun this way!

Resurrection Turns 3!

On Sunday, September 18, we’ll celebrate 3 years of regular Sunday worship as Resurrection Community Church! We’ll have regular Sunday worship at the PA rec center (doors open at 11, worship begins at 11:15), and then stay for a celebration. There will definitely be food, fun, and fellowship, celebration of God’s faithfulness, and looking to the future! RSVP here to help us plan food and contact with any questions or if you want to help out with planning or execution.